Tuesday 29 October 2013

Snow, Snow, and more Snow

Ok we did some checking and it seems that to have our drive way plowed it will cost us anywhere from $150.00 to $500.00. Ouch, considering my wife is now snowed in with no chance of getting out of the driveway. Started looking for a tractor. Kijiji is a good source but I want something that is easy to drive. We will have to finance it as anything new enough to have hydrostatic drive is still quite expensive. So I have been calling around to the dealers getting pricing. The bigger the tractor the better, needs to have a front end loader, mid mount mower deck, 3 point, hitch and p.t.o. I think we will need one with at least 18 hp. to be able to plow the driveway. With that info in mind when I go home for days off we will be going into the dealerships and getting a tractor.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Off to work

Well, we managed to get 4 cords of wood brought in, It was dumped off to the side of the drive way close to the house and covered in a couple of tarps. The porch got fixed up enough to hold the heat in for the winter and we actually managed to clean up the barn including the loft. And off to work I go. We are on the fence about buying a tractor. We will need one come spring for sure but economically it would be nice to be able to buy it in the spring after I have been able to work for the winter season. Our only concern is snow, we will have to look into how much it will cost to have the driveway cleared when it needs it. With me away at work and my wife never having driven a tractor before she is a little worried about having to plow the driveway with one as well. On another note when we moved we decided it was time to get rid of the satellite dish and only have net flicks via our internet. A decision that we have not regretted. We will see how we feel after a winter as I know that come spring we will be plenty busy enough to not miss it.  

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Phone call

Well today started with a phone call about work. We have a week before I will be heading off to my winter job. I work away from home for extended periods of time in the winter. We didn't think that I would be heading out this early in the season but the client that I work for wants to make sure that they get me and not somebody else for the season. Good for the pocket book and I am sure that I will be the first one out again this year most likely 2 or 3 weeks earlier than anyone else. Not so good for our timeline of the stuff we want to get done before I go. Changing and modifying plans start already. We will have to purchase the 4 extra cords of wood that we will need to get through the winter and I had better get my behind in gear getting the porch insulated and cleaning up the barn before I have to leave. I wonder how I am going to get rid of the bats in the loft of the barn and clean up their leavings. My wife will do some research on that while I head into town and get some insulation and poly to fix up he porch a bit.