Sunday 23 November 2014

Cold jumping beans

Woke up at 2 am this morning to the dogs barking like crazy.  I usually just lay in bed and wait for them to stop but when both bark I figure somethings up.  I should have stayed in bed.  First I stubbed my toe on the bedpost...that's what I get for no glasses in the dark.  Almost stepped on the dog who wasn't impressed.  That sent her off to the living room where she per-ceded to whine at the vents looking for imaginary mice for the next half hour.

There was nothing outside that I could see and the dogs finally settled down.  My last thought before falling back to sleep was I will see what they were barking at on the trail cam in the morning.

And it's a chilly morning here, -14 by the door. Got a fire started before going out with Vixen to let the pups out.  Just like every morning they were waiting patiently by the kennel door.

The pups enjoyed our morning walk to check the gate, fence and gather the cameras.  The pups were jumping around like beans almost the whole time.  Vixen, she just wanted back in the house right away. It was too cold for her.  It amazes me no matter the time of day the pups have so much energy, wish I could be like that. 

Gathered the cameras and was so excited to look and see what was around last night.  And...nothing! lol

Each camera took a few shots but I can not see anything in them.  So, maybe the wind or a small critter like our white weasal set them off.  I did get a good chuckle when I realized that I put up the one looking along the pond upside down!!   lol   The cameras will go back up tonight.  Right side up this time!

Today I am going to clean and organize.  I was going to start making some holiday chocolates but have decided to leave that for tomorrow.  Besides, I can't get to some things because papers are piled up waiting to be filed and I don't even like to look in the dining room area.  So clean it is and hopefully more tossing then re-placing items.

Posted below a few shots that we did get last night.  If you see anything let me know.

Hope you enjoy your Sunday and stay warm!
Hill cam looking along the pond.  Picture is upright now that is why the date/time stamp is upside down.
Can you see anything?

Another shot from the Hill cam looking along the pond.  If you are wondering what the lights are in the distance on the right side, that is a gas plant.
Can you see anything?
This is the camera put up by the barn looking down towards the garden.  When plowing yesterday I noticed what looked like large tracks down a ways but too far and too deep snow to go look.  Nothing went by last night, unless you see something?  The tracks that are  closer in the foreground are from us walking around and where we moved some snow.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

A parfait kind of day

I love those yogurt berry parfaits you can buy in different stores.  I decided to try and make some of my own at home.  
Greek yogurt is a great price at Costco, 3 - 500ml tubs for 11.99.  And the large bag of blueberries is huge and I can't remember the price but it's a good deal as well.

The granola I got from Walmart and the chia seeds from Bulk Barn.  Will just buy the granola from Bulk Barn next time as well.

I made a single one my first try and when it turned out better than expected I pulled all the ingredients out the next day to make a bulk batch.

Plain greek yogurt
Frozen blueberries
Chia Seeds.

I used some 250ml glass mason jars to make the parfaits.  I put yogurt in first, then blueberries,
I then drizzled honey on that layer and added about a 1/4 tsp of chia seeds.  I did a second layer the same and topped it with granola.
Easy peasey!

I got 9 250ml jars plus the one I made the day before.  I have since had one after freezing and thawing slightly and they are just as good as the day they were made.


Sunday 16 November 2014

Farm themed Holiday ornaments

We found these awesome Christmas ornaments - so many great ones to choose from. I love the "Yes, I was born in a barn"  - Cause hey... it sure feels like that!!  

Sue's favorites are the dangling cow, pig and sheep!  The company delivers to Canada, the U.S. and internationally.. Get your order in in time for holiday decorating!


Saturday 15 November 2014


I love our dogs! They keep us company and always make us smile.  They are the best companions to have, they follow us everywhere, never complain, always listen and the only thing they ask for is to be fed and loved.
Thank god for dogs!   The pooches in our life are Vixen, our 12 year old shiba-inu and Chance and Raven, brother and sister, 8 month old mixed breeds.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Snow, snow and more snow!!

Woke up to more snow today and it's cold!!  -32.   The furnace is kicking on because the wood-stove can't keep up, the heating lamps are on in the kennels and barn.  Everyone is keeping warm.
Well, except Ray right now. He is out plowing.  Thank goodness for the tractor cab, no heater in there but better than nothing!
And we could be this guy....
Stay warm!!

Tuesday 11 November 2014