Saturday 21 September 2013

Stuff and more Stuff work and more work

After an uneventful trip to Red Deer and back with a trailer load of our stuff we began the process of unloading and setting up the house. Ever notice how much stuff you accumulate in life. The barn wont be used as a wood working shop for a while as it is full of stuff. I am Not a hoarder, all of my stuff has a use and will have a place once I get to build a shop. In the future, at least that's what I tell myself. My wife shakes her head sometimes but that is my story and I am sticking to it.

So with having to work and trying to help my wife set up the house there are still lots of things that we need to look after before winter starts. We need firewood for the winter, I need to insulate the small porch off the house, organize the barn a little better, but most important is do something with the bathtub. It really is disgusting to look at. We don't want to replace the tub right now but it is almost scary to think about using it even to have a shower. I found a product in a hardware store that allows you to refinish the porcelain and with a little elbow grease I was able to make the tub look almost new. All for only $60.00 and now I am not scared to get in the tub.

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