Saturday 4 January 2014

Banana Bread & Pizza Overload!!

Today I made 9 loaves of banana bread.

9!?!  lol  Yes, that's a lot.  For the last couple of years of Ray working away for the winter he has worked for the same two consultants.  I can't remember exactly when it started but when he comes home for days off he always leaves with banana bread for these two consultants.

They have almost come to expect it now lol.  Well over the holidays I went with Ray while he did rig watch and everyone, including the consultants, were on their holidays. When they came back, Ray brought me home and had his days off.  So there was no banana bread for them for a bit. 

This had to be rectified! lol When we went grocery shopping we couldn't find any ripe bananas anywhere and it was looking like they might go without banana bread again for a while.  Our last stop in the Beaverlodge IGA and we struck gold.  haha. They had a bunch of ripe bananas.  So, I grabbed a few bags.

I didn't really think I had that many until I started baking the next day.  My usual double batch turned in to 3 double batches!!  And since I used some smaller tin foil pans, it worked out to 9 loaves.

So, no one will be missing banana bread for a bit now!!

As if that wasn't enough I decided to make some pizzas for Ray for work and for the freezer.  So our bulk cooking marathon continued and we knocked out 4 large and 6 personal size pizzas!

Enough cooking - time to eat!!


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