Monday 31 March 2014


I love finding things online that make it easier in the kitchen.  Come apple baking time this will be so great...

Now just need a drill for the kitchen only!!


Wednesday 26 March 2014

Quiet that generator

You know those people, right? They are the ones that show up camping and set up right next to you and then haul out the big generator.

Then they start that thing up and all of a sudden the enjoyment of camping outside in nature with the peace and quiet is GONE.

Well there can be a solution. Follow the link below.!quiet-that-generator/c172r


Tuesday 25 March 2014

I love it here!  I played peek-a-boo this morning around the corner of the house with a squirrel!!  lol


Saturday 22 March 2014

Deer on the homestead

We had some excitement on the homestead last evening. After closing the blinds to the big windows for the evening I noticed some movement in the shadows moving on the barn through the kitchen window. When I went to investigate out the big windows I was pleasantly surprised to see 5 deer outside.

Photos and video on our web-site…

Homesteading Alberta - Deer on the homestead


Thursday 20 March 2014

To-do lists

I was looking at our to-list for this spring and boy, is it long!! Don't know how we are going to figure out what to do first.
How about you? Do you find that you just have too many things to do and not enough time. And it's hard to prioritize what to do first?
Well you have my sympathy!! 

It has been sooo nice here the last week and a bit. We are forecast to get a bit of snow but that could change. I love this time of year when you get to see everything being uncovered after winter.

Sometimes it can be fun! Like this morning, I stepped out to bring some wood in to the house from the back porch (for the still cool nights) and was surprised to see that most of the snow beside the porch is gone. And I found a pair of shoes that had been sitting outside and were not brought in before they were covered in snow. Hopefully after a little air-drying they will be fine.

I've also noticed more squirrels and birds hanging around. Guess they are enjoying the weather too. I am off to search on-line for aprons. Never worn one but yesterday I dumped sauce all over me. So, an apron might be nice! lol
Only one more day till Friday! Have a good one!


Sunday 16 March 2014

Honking for Geese

Can't you just hear it? That loud and annoying honk of geese. I can remember going to the park to feed the ducks and having the geese coming around with their loud honking.

They would also chase you boldly trying to get the bread when all you wanted was to feed the cute ducks.

So...would you want them on your farm?... 

Continued at...!honking-geese/c1o2j

Thursday 13 March 2014

No-Dig Gardening - sounds like a dream!!

Join our conversation on Facebook about No-Dig Gardening.  Started early this afternoon with this link:

It's a very interesting topic.  Obviously where you live, your climate and your soil has a lot to do with whether this would work for you or not.  Tell us what you think on our Facebook page so everyone can see your comments/opinion:


Tuesday 11 March 2014

Melting snow... blowing wind

Not a lot is new here.  We have been having some very mild weather and a lot of our snow is melting.  It's nice to see the ground for a change.

It has also been very windy here.  Since we have been here less than 6 months we are not sure if this is normal but we have started researching wind power because of all the wind we've been getting.
One thing we've looked in to is recording the wind.  Have you done that?

There are systems you can get that record wind gusts, speed, duration etc.  I find this fascinating. It would be a great bonus to be able to harvest the wind for some power.  As we live in Canada our sunlight during the winter is less than ideal for solar so having wind to back it up would be ideal.

We would love to hear from anyone, especially someone in our neck of the woods, that use wind power.  We have a lot of questions...of course lol.  Practical experience is always the best.

Off to anchor down some tarps before they blow away.  Have a great Tuesday!


Thursday 6 March 2014


Anyone raise rabbit for meat? Have you had rabbit meat?

We would like to try some meat but it's seeming very difficult to find any locally. 

Why is that? Rabbit meat is high in protein and they are easy to raise. They do not take up a lot of room either. We are seriously looking in to raising rabbits for meat.

Join our discussion on rabbits on got very interesting... and we'd love to hear what you think about rabbits for meat as well.
