Friday, 20 December 2013

Away for the Holidays

So I was asked if I could work through the holidays. After talking with my wife and letting her know that she could come out with me as it would just be myself and my night shift there providing security watch she has agreed. So a quick trip home to get her and the dog and off we go for 11 days together out at work. It is great as I only work in the winter and this means no missed pay period and I still get to spend the holiday with her. Sometimes things just work out.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Officially a farmer! lol

Well I think I can say it! I can drive a tractor so now I am an official farmer!  lol  Ok, maybe not yet but it feels closer every day! 

Our new John Deere tractor was delivered a few days ago and I did drive it a little that day to make sure I understood the salesman's instructions but today is really my first time driving the tractor with a purpose.

I knew when I got up this morning and seen the results of our winter storm last night that we got the tractor just in time!! It was -14 this morning, windy and still snowing.  We were expecting more snow so I knew it was time to get out and plow what had already fallen.

I was so nervous and excited at the same time.  I also had no idea what I was doing.  It sounds easy right, get in and plow the snow.  But where to put it, how do I do it.  After talking to Ray briefly on the phone I set out.  The wind was howling outside and it was cold so it was nice to have the cab on the tractor.

After a few swipes of the driveway in front of the house I got some nerve and started down the driveway to the road.  After an hour of plowing, I went inside.  For my first time I don't think I did too bad.  The driveway could probably be wider (Ray would fix this later) and if I had of known beforehand I should have moved the snow a little further out.  But I would say it was a success!

And if it keeps snowing like it is, my second plow will be in just a few hours!!! 

Pictures - Left: The tractor on delivery day.
                Right: Taken during my first plow, from the drivers seat